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Water Corporation is set to open the Wilson Inlet sandbar in Denmark later this week, following recent advice from the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation and the Shire of Denmark.

Water Corporation Great Southern Regional Manager Adrian Stewart said Wilson Inlet was close to reaching an optimal water level for the opening of the sandbar, under the protocol put in place in 2009. “As water levels have been rising in the area following the recent rainfall, we are close to reaching a trigger point to activate the opening of the inlet,” Mr Stewart said.

“We anticipate the opening will occur on Thursday this week, to take advantage of the predicted tidal conditions, but it depends on local conditions on the day.” Mr Stewart said.

Mr Stewart said the sandbar would be opened at around the same time as last year and it always attracted spectators to watch it occur. “As the opening attracts a crowd, we cordon off the area where we will be working to ensure the safety of people on the beach,” Mr Stewart said.

“We also want to remind surfers to be mindful of the potential for changeable conditions in the vicinity of the opening, due to the increased exchange of water between Wilson Inlet and the ocean.”

Mr Stewart said opening the sandbar was part of the plan to manage potential flooding in the area, and the Shire of Denmark and Department of Water and Environmental Regulation worked together to advise Water Corporation of the best time.

Fact file:

  • The opening of the bar is governed by the Wilson Inlet Sandbar Opening Protocol and the water in the inlet must reach a certain minimum level before an opening is triggered.
  • Usually the opening of the sandbar takes place when inlet levels are between 0.9m and 1.2m, between June and the end of the first week in September.

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