City of Mandurah
Through community engagement, the City of Mandurah developed its Environment Strategy 2023 – 2033, setting the city's environmental vision.
READ CASE STUDYThe Waterwise Council Program aims to build a cooperative working relationship with local governments in Western Australia by acknowledging councils that are demonstrating leadership in sustainable water management. The Program supports the State Government’s vision to build waterwise communities.
The Program, run jointly with the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, supports local governments to improve water efficiency and adopt waterwise practices in their operations and communities. In conjunction with building waterwise communities, it recognises how Waterwise Councils are leading by example and inspiring residents to save water. It's free to join for LGA's in Western Australia.
A waterwise community is a cool, liveable, green and sustainable place where people want to live, work and spend time. It is where communities care about and value water while making the best use of its various sources (groundwater, surface water, stormwater, seawater and wastewater).
Waterwise communities provide healthy, natural environments that support a range of social, ecological and economic benefits.
Waterwise councils & the community
Councils that are endorsed receive several benefits, including:
Two annual events are co-hosted with DWER each year.
Waterwise Recognition Event
The Waterwise Recognition Event celebrates the achievements of participants in our five non-residential Waterwise Program and awards Waterwise Councils who have demonstrated success and leadership in the program. The Minister for Water issues a media release after the event to promote and highlight the efforts of these local governments which generates great local media coverage.
Waterwise Forum Event
Held during National Water Week (October) each year, the forum provides Waterwise Program participants with the opportunity to network and share achievements and challenges amongst peers and industry.
We have case studies showing how our waterwise councils are saving water and creating waterwise communities. These capture challenges and lessons from WA councils and have been developed collaboratively to identify opportunities and innovative water-saving approaches.
Through community engagement, the City of Mandurah developed its Environment Strategy 2023 – 2033, setting the city's environmental vision.
READ CASE STUDYParks and public open spaces in Joondalup have become more water efficient thanks to smart irrigation, which uses the appropriate amount of water based on the weather.
Read case studyStreet trees, parks, verges and green infrastructure reduce heating effects in heat-stressed areas. Discover how this town is creating a cooler environment.
Read case studyFind out how to join and start implement waterwise principles.
Join the program