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The 2024/25 Waterwise Greening Scheme is fully subscribed, and expressions of interest have closed.

Our Waterwise Greening Scheme provides the opportunity for Waterwise Councils to receive up to $10,000 of co-funding each year to support waterwise greening initiatives. Councils are encouraged to involve their local residents in greening initiatives to spread the greening and waterwise messages.  

Greening with waterwise plants and trees can help with:

  • Local water quality
  • Improving community health and well being
  • Increasing biodiversity
  • Improving local amenity
  • Cooling local communities 

How to get involved

Waterwise Councils can apply for co-funding for the following initiatives:

  • Waterwise verge subsidies
  • Waterwise trees
  • Waterwise garden competitions
  • Waterwise plant sale subsidies or giveaways
  • Waterwise garden and verge workshops
  • Demonstration waterwise gardens, gardens etc.

To be eligible councils must meet the following criteria:

Approval for waterwise trees

If your council is considering applying for Waterwise Greening Funding for waterwise trees, make sure you review our information on selecting the right tree. Small trees do not require pre-approval, but medium and large trees do require approval prior to planting and prior to claiming funds. Please contact us for more information.

How to connect community green spaces

If your council is considering how to deliver street greening at a greater pace and at a larger scale, make sure you review our Guide to waterwise streetscapes

The guide outlines a step-by-step process to develop a waterwise streetscape, drawing on City of Cockburn's experience in Hamilton Hill. Information includes a residential factsheet.